Rajan Shepherds

(German Shepherd) Purchase contract

The puppy is,sold with a 2 year  or 26 month of age guarantee this guarantee does not cover uneven bite,undescended testicles, or unbiblical hernias. The up to 26 months gives you the buyer time to have xrays done for OFA certification. Or for any genetic problems that would  keep dog from living a normal life, this includes crippling hip or elbow dysplasia confirmed by xray from a competent licensed vet. The xray must be submitted to OFA and receive a failing score for good of [mild, moderate,or severe dysplasia and for elbows: Grade 1,2,3] to warrant a replacement puppy. If buyer chooses to keep the dog it must be spayed or neutered and signed papers from vet that done the spay or neuter surgery provided. Before a replacement puppy is given. THIS IS FOR A REPLACEMENT PUPPY ONLY of equal value as soon as one is available. This guarantee does not cover environmental factors for which the seller has no control over examples : Coccidia,Kennel cough,Cancer,Demodectic mange,scabies,growth allergies and other autoimmune system disorders.

ALL sales are final and down payment non refundable.The seller does not guarantee the size,appearance,temperament and personality of said puppy after it leaves our premises. The seller is not responsible for the bonding process or the outcome with the new owner and will not be held liable in anyway or form for the behaviour of the puppy after leaving our premises. This contract will be between seller and buyer and is non transferable.